(World Bank, 2020)
Dr. Leroy Almendarez
Executive Director
(501) 822 3737 / 0175 or 501-223-0322 (Belize City office)
executivedirector@ belizeinvest.org.bz
In late 1997, Belize was faced with the inevitable loss of preferential markets for its traditional exports, which propelled, the Government of Belize to create the Trade and Investment Promotion Service, (TIPS). TIPS was created to provide investors with trade and investment information as well as to facilitate their business processes.
In early 1998, TIPS was renamed the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) and with that came a greater mandate. BELTRAIDE is a statutory body under the Ministry with responsibility for Investment, Trade and Commerce. They serves as Belize’s national Investment Promotion Agency, and Export and Trade Promotion Agency, and is focused on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and delivery of industry specific training. These functions are carried out by the four sub-units of BELTRAIDE namely: (1) BelizeINVEST, (2) EXPORTBelize, (3) Small Business Development Centre (SBDCBelize), and (4) Belize Training and Employment Centre (BTEC). The administrative and corporate functions are also complemented by the Marketing and Information Unit, a Projects Unit, an Information Technology Unit, a Finance Unit as well as Administration and Human Resources.