How CAIPA Helps Investors
The CAIPA Secretariat promotes investment in the Caribbean. We facilitate the development of studies, resources and guides that can be used by investors, site selectors, business executives and professionals. Click here to access investor resources.
CAIPA connects investors to representatives of member countries and can serve as an initial point of contact for investor inquiries.
How CAIPA Supports Members
- CAIPA supports its members in the execution of their investment promotion mandates. The Association also seeks to promote the Caribbean as the place for investment in strategic priority sectors. In detail, CAIPA aims to:
- Improve the capacity of member IPAs to attract, retain and expand investment through capacity building initiatives that include training sessions and workshops, study tours and exchange missions;
- Establish the Caribbean Region as a strong brand for sustainable investment that addresses economic, human and environmental concerns;
- Increase access to reliable and timely information on the Caribbean as an investment location, strengthening information gathering and information monitoring systems, as well as actively promoting information exchange amongst its member IPAs;
- Advocate for an improved business environment in the Caribbean and for increased collaboration among the IPAs in the region;
- Facilitate and assist Caribbean investment promotion agencies, and other national investment promotion entities, to gain access to technical assistance and funding through advice, technical support and referrals to relevant bilateral or multilateral agencies; and
- Assist Caribbean IPAs in advising their respective governments on the formulation of appropriate investment promotion policies and strategies.
CAIPA has responsibility for implementing the following main activities:
- Technical assistance and capacity building for CAIPA members
- Branding of the region as an investment destination to attract foreign direct investments (FDI)
- Strategic Investment Promotion Missions to and from targeted markets
- Caribbean Business Policy/Investment Climate Dialogue and Reform
- Sector Research, Analysis and FDI data management