(World Bank, 2020)
Tessa Jacques
Department: Staff
Tessa, carries a wealth of experience in her position as the current President for the Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA) and as the Director General for the Center of Investments in Haiti.
As the President of CAIPA, Tessa oversees the operations of the CAIPA Secretariat and its representation of the 23 Caribbean territories who are members. Her focus for 2019/2020 is on the continued promotion of the Caribbean as a location for investment in the niche hotel and resort development sectors, as well as renewable energy, outsourcing and agribusiness sectors.
She previously worked for Air Canada and Sunwing Airlines in Canada and for Emirates Airlines in Dubai. She was the Sales Executive for Marriott Port-au-Prince in its opening year in Haiti and before her appointment as Director General she was the Public affairs Coordinator for the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) in Haiti.
As the Director General of Haiti’s Center for the Facilitation of Investments (CFI) she also brings to CFI an excellent understanding of the business environment in Haiti but as well of other parts of the world. Foremost her willingness to work in coordination with the different sectors to attract more investors in the country is a valuable asset to the vision of the government for the investment sector.
She implements the policies set forth for The Center for Facilitation of Investments (CFI) in Haiti, created by presidential decree in 2006 under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. It is the national investment promotion agency that works to attract investments that contribute to the development of the country, diversify the economy, strengthen supply chains, and generate jobs. CFI´s main mandate is to promote investments and help potential local and foreign investors find and take advantage of opportunities in Haiti.