(World Bank, 2020)
Mr. Henk-John Guicherit MBA, RBA
Chief Executive Officer SITA (Suriname Investment & Trade Agency)
WhatsApp: +5977162184
Email: henk-john.guicherit@sita.sr, info@sita.sr
Mrs. Bidia Bissumbhar MBA
Director of Investment SITA (Suriname Investment & Trade Agency)
WhatsApp: + 597 888 3813
Email: bidia.bissumbhar@sita.sr, bidiabissumbhar@gmail.com, Investinsu@gov.sr, info@sita.sr
Website: https://sita.sr/
Address: Hoek Brokopondolaan - J.Lachmonstraat, Zorg en Hoop, Paramaribo, Suriname
DISCOVER SURINAME is the investment and trade promotion program of Suriname. Discover Suriname focuses on increasing foreign direct investments in local producers and suppliers in Suriname. Here you can find out how you, as an investor, can invest in a startup or local company in Suriname.